2015 did not go how I wanted to at all, but looking back on it, I'm happy things happened the way they did. 2015 was meant to be the year Sam and I bought our first house and that I would at least be pregnant but nope. You know how people say 'you get things when you stop looking for them'? Well, I'm kind of hoping that works in this case so my new years resolution is to not think as much about the things I want & to let things happen on their own. I know that doesn't sound like much effort would be required but in most aspects of my life, I'm a control freak and when I want something really badly I NEED to have it ASAP. It's going to be tough!
We moved out of our lovely little house in Fairfield to be able to try and save more money for our own house
This year has truly been an emotional rollercoaster for me. So many ups and so many downs that my head was starting to spin, but luckily I've got a great bunch of people that helped me stay sane in the insanity.

My family have helped Sam and I so much (not just this year) and thankfully we've managed to make our living situation work. In this whole life upheaval, my sister and I have gotten a lot closer. She's at that age now where we can relate to each other a lot more (we have a 8 year age difference). I mean we still beat each other up but we can actually communicate properly now. I love her so much.

This year was also the time for resignations haha
My work buddies were going off to better things so it seemed like every bloody second week we had a farewell dinner to organise.

And when we weren't celebrating someones new job..

Or baby shower..

We were eating ALL OF THE THINGS!

Ahh the perks of working on Lygon St haha
My farewell evening
Soon after 95% of my friends had left me, it was my turn to go. It was such a difficult decision because I didn't want to let anyone down but I had to do what was best for me.

'She works haaaaard for the money!'

My cute little locker
When we weren't celebrating, there was fun to be had..

Football games to be watched...

And beaches to be babeified...

I love all my mates and cant wait to celebrate more good things in the new year!

I also had a not shitty birthday for the first time in a few years! I would always work on my birthday and the last few years something would always ruin the day and it was mostly customers saying/doing horrible things, but this year it was actually a great day! It just made my birthday feel even more special.

Sam and I went to Sydney for a week because Sam had a work event. I spent most of the time exploring Sydney on my own and that was a great experience in itself.

My fave part about the trip was hanging out with my lovely friend Tiana and going to the Wheels and Dollbaby store. I could've done some seeeeeerrrriiiouuussss damage to my credit card in there. Damnnnn. It was fab!

The biggest life changer this year was my lapband surgery. I'm so fucking glad I got it. This experience in itself was a bit of a rollercoaster but I'm fine now and I'm just trying to ride the waves of my success with it. I also had a minor surgery (which I'll explain in another blog post) which sucked but it will hopefully mean that it will be easier for me to get pregnant, so a little pain for (hopefully) a lot of gain isn't too bad at all.
Some other little fun things that happened this year:
I finally started driving on my own!..

Met the legend, Mick Gatto, while at work (fun fact, I love reading about Melbourne Gangland figures from back in the day to the early 2000's and when I met Mick, I freaked out like a fricking fangirl and pretended like I didn't know who he was because I didn't know what to say. Think what you want to think about the Melbourne Underbelly but this guy, wether he did some bad shit or not, is undeniably a Melbourne legend)...

Had a dumb stall at Camberwell market...

Watched sunset turn into dark skies over the city...

Saved HARD to buy my first Louis Vuitton piece...

Made my first Youtube video...

Got really crafty...

Met a bunch of friends from online in real life...

Went to a luxe AF wedding...

Took my sister and her pals to the Melbourne Show...

And I chilled out A LOT...

So to wrap up this post, the last lovely thing to come of this year was that I got to celebrate being with my amazing husband for 7 years on Boxing day, and this year we also celebrated our first wedding anniversary!

Without him I wouldn't have been able to make it through the year. I love him so much and I'm so glad to have him by my side and be my New Years kiss forever and ever.
All up, this year has been unexpectedly great and I cant freaking wait for 2016!
Stay safe tonight babes!