Wednesday, 17 June 2015

So this is a slightly old photo set but its been in my 'to blog' list for freakin ages and I just can't leave it out.

I found this jumper on tumblr and quickly became 110% obsessed with it. I searched high and low for this perfect damn thing and finally found it at Shop Jeen. Love don't pay the bills. My God. That quote still makes me smile and nod at how great it is.

After buying this jumper I became further obsessed with the brand that designed it, Dimepiece. They recently had Baddie Winkle fronting their new season. They're pretty badass. Check them out!

Denim Jacket: Lee Cooper via Savers // Jumper: Dimepiece //Skirt: Cotton On 
Stockings: Sonsee // Shoes: Vans

TRAVEL TUESDAY! - Leaving Family Behind

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Image source: Pinterest

I found this quote and it smacked me right in the face and urged me to write this post. I wanted to try out a bit of a themed day type post but I feel it may be short lived as I'm contemplating whether I should start up a travel specific blog separate to this one because I have a lot I want to talk about when it comes to travelling and the emotions related to the experience. This quote made me really think. Sam and I have been talking about moving overseas for years. If we had actually done it when we had first spoken about it, we would have lived in a few countries by now.
The big factor in why we haven't really done anything that 'extreme' has honestly been my family. Fear of how life will be if I leave them behind. And what if we never want to come back? Would I be able to cope not seeing them for almost years at a time? God. Now I'm crying at the thought of it. I know I'll get through it but how do people with tight knit families move overseas or travel for extended periods of time without feeling like a piece of your heart is missing? If I didn't have this type of relationship with my family I would have been gone by now. Anyone else part of a wog family where you're basically expected to live in close proximity to your parents for the rest of your life unless you want a life of guilt that you're not there? I can't let this stop me from travelling to far away places for long periods of time. It's an emotional cleanse. Getting away is good for your health and I feel that right now I need a fresh start more than ever. I feel like I'm carrying a shell that is too small for me and its time for me to move in to a bigger shell so I can live a bit more freely.

Do you want to travel or move overseas? If so, where?

Sabrina the (Not so) Teenage Witch

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Do you ever base an outfit around one thing?  I do. Constantly. Tonight's main feature, a Onyx stone ring my Dad had made for me. 

I worked with a lady that had this onyx ring that I was obsessed with. The stone was about the size of an almond. It was perfect. After talking about it endlessly and being on the hunt for one since I saw hers, my Dad decided to get one made for me as a surprise Christmas present. He got it made by Ironstone Jewellers in Yarraville and they did a wonderful job. Poor Dad had to guess my ring size so the ring is slightly big but whatevs, I still love it, and the sentiment behind it too.

The ring just gives me a witchy vibe. Not in a cauldrons and broomsticks way, but more like Sabrina the teenage witch (You'd be surprised how many people still pull that ol line on me when they find out my name haha). The ring goes best with multiple chunky rings, turtlenecks, middle parts and magic nights. I feel like this outfit was made for this ring, and I'm not gunna lie I was really feeling my look.

I think I'll be busting out this outfit a lot over winter with a nice big coat over it.

Do you base your outfit around one item when you get dressed?

Turtleneck: Target via Savers // Dress (as skirt): ASOS // Stockings: Sonsee // Boots: Millers 
Onyx ring: Ironstone Jewellers // Silver ring: Gucci