I thought in this pregnancy I would be so keen to dress really cute and show off my bump but in reality all I've wanted to do is sit in my pjs. I will wear pj's whenever I possibly can. My look is not as glam as I was expecting it to be haha
A couple of weeks ago Sam and I went out for lunch because I was having some mad cravings for a chicken burger. But it had to be from this one cafe on the other side of town. No other chicken burger was acceptable. Being the sweetheart he is, he obliged. After lunch we went to sit and relax by the Yarra River, so of course I made him take a few bump photos in front of the beautiful backdrop.
I have been slack with all forms of social media but thats not to say I haven't been thinking about blogging. I have a few things I've been wanting to post about but every time I go to write anything it feels like my mind turns to mush so it's felt exceptionally hard especially because I haven't been getting 'dressed up' to take accompanying outfit photos. I'll see how I go but I'm not going to put pressure on myself to post content. Going to take all this stuff as it comes.
Dress: ASOS Maternity // Stockings: Sonsee // Boots: Vera Wang at Harris Scarfe