I figured I should post this before it becomes irrelevant but this is my little recap/haul from Christmas & Boxing day.
This years gifts were particularly badass! In my family we tend to buy a lot of little gifts for each other which just makes it more fun. My husband and I on the other hand buy one more expensive gift for each other because our anniversary is on Boxing day so its kind of like one big Christmas/anniversary present.
Sam knows whats up! I've wanted this from Louis Vuitton for aaaaageeessss and he got it hot stamped with my initials! I'm so absolutely in love with it!
My family don't usually do anything like this for Christmas because our Wog Christmas is the 7th of Jan, and we feast hard then. Mum was feeling particularly festive though and decided to make us a nice dinner and my Grandma happened to come over which made it all even better. We had the biggest laugh together and it was especially hilarious because my grandma is so wog that christmas bonbons are a foreign concept to her. She was so amazed that it was even a thing and was amazed at the silly toys that come out and the dumb jokes.
I may or may not have worn my pjs the whole day...
My sister got a Instax camera for her birthday so we had a play around with it and again, my grandma was amazed at this 'advanced technology' haha She knew of Polaroid cameras but they never got to experience that sort of stuff so she was pretty intrigued. Needless to say we took a shitload of photos haha
When dinner was over, Sam and I headed into the city to stay a few nights. I was going to have a super early morning for the boxing day sales so it helped that we weren't going to be too far away from it all. I got up at 6am the next day and it was raining (thanks Melbourne. The ONE time I have to be walking around outside in summer, you decided to rain. Cheers bro) and I was without an umbrella... 30 mins later I found one stashed in the house and I was on my way. My first stop was David Jones to see what kind of designer bags they had on sale. As expected. Nothing worth buying. I usually have a bit of a game plan when it comes to the sales. Buy anything I can online Christmas Day when the sale goes live then the rest of the stuff I try and pick up or suss out on Boxing Day. I find that makeup is the main thing worth buying because its the only thing that I wouldn't be able to buy at that price throughout the year. There are sales on clothes a lot throughout the year so why waste time looking at that when you could be buying the stuff you normally couldn't, y'know what I mean? And Lush! Bless them and their 50% off Christmas sets! I did get really pissed off at the Melbourne Central Lush store though. There were legit over 30 people waiting in line to pay and the two cashiers didn't seem to give a shit and just wanted to have a chat with themselves, then try and include the customers and whatever. Now, I get that working retail at this time of the year is hard, but you know what would make your life less hard? Just serving the fucking customers and not making us wait in like for 45 minutes while you 'entertain us' and make me nearly fucking faint from having to stand so long..Just scan the goddamn things, take the cash and move the fuck on. What ticked me off most though was when I was (finally) served, I handed over my cash and the dumbass serving me called out to the whole store 'Excuse me, everyone! Make sure you have your notes unfolded and stretched right out so we can make this all go faster'. I was like, really bitch?... You just wasted my time embarrassing me when in that time the cash could've been in the till and I could've been gone. And what if I had major anxiety? You've just pointed me out in a crowd of now 50 or more people. What if I now just wanted to die? It made me so mad. Again, I get that its a hard time of year working in retail, but if you're that 'bored' working, try 1. working a little fucking harder & 2. conversing politely and quickly with customers instead of making them want to crawl in a hole and die. Cheers. #rantover. Aside from the idiot at Lush, the sales were a success. When you go that early it's as if its a regular shopping day, but once about 10am hits, its an absolute shit storm and you have to start being slightly aggressive when you walk otherwise you will get trampled. Thats why I go so early. I don't want to have to elbow people out of the way and get all stressed and annoyed.
The only thing I didn't manage to pick up was a Camila & Marc tee that I have been eyeing for weeks. I was hoping I could find it in store to try on because the largest size they had was a 12 but I couldn't find it and bought it online when I got home. It should be arriving in the next few days so I'm prayyyyiiinnggg that it fits.
At about 10.30 I was completely done and ready for breakfast, so I called Sam and he met me at our fave place on Degraves St, The Quarter. I was dying for some eggs and hashbrowns!

You're probably looking at that plate and thinking 'uh, I thought you said you had lapband done, bro? wtf?'. Well heres what I do. I mostly still order a regular meal because when I'm out eating I'm usually with my husband so whatever I cant eat, he eats. So he doesn't have to pay more and order extras because I'm handing him half a plate of food haha. What I had from this meal though was one hashbrown, both poached eggs and the tiniest bite of the bread. I find that bacon isn't worth eating anymore. It just takes too long to chew and doesn't break down enough for me.
The meal hit the spot and it was so nice to finally be able to sit down and chill for a little bit amongst the beginnings of the crazy.
We got back to the apartment and just relaxed until my brother in-laws came over for a LAN.
It was a fantastic Christmas break and hope that next year we'll be able to be celebrating from our own house! That would legit have to to be a Christmas miracle though haha
Hope you guys had a great time this holiday season!

Omg that Keith Haring! Is it a tee? Where's is from?!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great Christmas Break! Your grandma sounds like mine; mine still gave me cassette tapes up until a couple of years ago when she discovered to her utter bewilderment, that she couldn't find them in shops anymore. Not sure where she'd been getting them the past 10 years as it is..
hahaha grandparents are brilliant! The Keith Haring thing is a dress, but I'll be wearing it as a tee because its a little bit short haha but its from Miss Shop in Myer! I'm not sure if they still stock it but they had a few other tee designs as well!