I thought I had lost these photos forever! It turns out they were just in the wrong folder all along...
These photos were taken a couple of months back when Sam and I took my folks to Phamily Kitchen (a fantastic Vietnamese food place on Smith St in Collingwood). We ate some good food, had some good chats but we were ready to have some good coffee. We had been to this cafe Proud Mary before and it was great but I think they had closed for the day or something (this was really late in the afternoon) and remembered they had a sister store called Aunty Pegs. We ventured off to find Aunty Pegs and on the way found the historic Keith Haring Mural! I was so excited! First thing I did was message my sister to be jealous as she had recently become obsessed with him. I think I just wrote 'sucked in' and attached a photo haha
The mural is just so fricking cool! From what I remember my sister telling me about it was that the general message behind the mural was something along the lines of 'Make sure you have fun at university and in your schooling, but remember the most important thing is your education' (which is why the computer brain worm thing is at the top). It was painted on one of the walls of the old Collingwood Technical College. She learnt that in her art class and I don't know how true it is because I couldn't find anything about that online but I'm rolling with it because it makes sense when you look at the mural & where it was painted and its just generally a smart message.
There was a information plaque which had some cool info on it but the photo I took of it wasn't the best. It said:
In 1984 New York artist and social activist Keith Haring (1958-1990) undertook a number of public art projects during a three week visit to Australia. In Melbourne these included painting the National Gallery of Victoria's waterwall and completing this mural on the wall of what was then Collingwood Technical School. The NGV's waterwall project was an ephemeral work and survives through photographic documentation only. This mural is now a much loved and important part of Melbourne's cultural landscape. So much that in 2004 it was added to the Victorian Heritage Register.
In 2010 management of this precinct was taken on by Arts Victoria and a conservation plan for the mural was commissioned. The plan identified the need for urgent conservation works to the mural, which had deteriorated due to weather exposure. In 2013 internationally renowned conservator Antonio Rava undertook treatment that restored visibility and vitality to the mural.
Photography and respectful engagement with the mural is welcomed.
Talk about iconic, right? Keith Haring was a badass artist.
After the excitement of the mural we went to Aunty Pegs and tried cold brew coffee for the first time. It was weird but wonderful! The guy that was helping us out (I feel like such a jerk, I forgot his name! Damn it!) let us sample a few brews and then gave us a little tour. It was pretty fricking cool. If you're around the area and love coffee, I suggest you go and check it out!
Gotta love Melbourne!
Jacket: Sussan // Dress: Sportsgirl // Leggings: City Chic
Shoes: Nike // Earrings: Diva

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